Good afternoon all Parents/ Guardians. We hope that this update finds you well. Once again some updates in relation to school activities.
School Opening of the Year Mass
We had our opening of the year mass on Friday last, and once again it was such a lovely experience for everybody. Mr. Conneely, our Chaplain, along with Ms. Darcy and Ms. C. Collins organised the mass and the readers (most of whom were students and who were absolutely fantastic). Some of our students played instruments at both the senior and junior mass and it really is uplifting to see students participate is such a meaningful way in the mass. Fr. Richie Davern was the celebrant for the senior mass and Fr. Gerard O’ Leary the celebrant for the junior mass. Both priests made reference at the end of their masses to the manners and respect shown to them as celebrants and for the attention displayed by the boys throughout the mass. We know this already, but it is always so lovely to hear outsiders compliment our boys and give them the praise they deserve.
For many of our boys, they would admit, that they do not regularly attend mass, which is a personal preference. Parents however, may be shocked to hear that so many of our boys, pop in and out to the College Chapel on a daily basis. This may be perhaps to take some quiet time, or to light a candle for a sick relative etc.
As a diocesan college, encompassing a Catholic Christian ethos, we try to teach the boys about our ethos, not only in religion class, but in our daily school lives. The boys see the Catholic ethos in action every day through the care and concern that their teachers show towards them, both inside and outside of the classroom, through our encouragement of kind deeds (Sound effects and Pay it Forward initiatives), through showing manners and respect for people in our dealings with them, through helping and supporting each other (students and teachers) if we need help with something. Our main aim, is to teach the boys to “treat others as you yourself would like to be treated”. This is the basic moral code of all major world religions and while in our school community we have students who predominantly belong to the Catholic Christian denomination, we also have students who belong other faiths (Hinduism and Islam) and students who have no faith. In SMC, we encourage respect for all members of our school community and their own respective religious beliefs.
Remaining Parent Information nights
Relevant parent groups will receive reminder personal notifications in relation to the night on which their information meeting takes place. As a summary, all information nights take place in the school assembly hall at 7pm.
Monday 18th September-5th Year
Tuesday 19th September-6th Year
Monday 25th September- 2nd Year
Tuesday 26th September-3rd Year
Afterschool Study
There will be NO after school study this Wednesday 20th September due to the open night.
Anti Bullying
We are slowly making our way through all year groups as the days go by, in relation to our Anti Bullying talks. All first years have been addressed by Mr. Quilter and I, and the Anti Bullying coordinator-Ms. D. Collins. From 2nd year up, the year groups are well aware of our stance, as a school, in relation to anti bullying. Having said that, all year groups need to be reminded that bullying is wrong and that no student should accept being bullied, while also reminding students that they must TELL their “One Good Adult” in the school if something or someone is making them feel uncomfortable. If your child (whether he is in first year or sixth year) tells you that there is something wrong, please do not hesitate to contact us. All reports are dealt with the utmost of confidentiality. Our approach to bullying has always been proactive, we educate the students in relation to bullying characteristics and then encourage and support them to make better behaviour choices. The aim is to ensure that the bullying STOPS and that every child can come into school and leave school feeling safe, happy and comfortable.
1st Year Vaccinations
The 1st year vaccinations forms are now due for return to Ms. Bourke. We will be in contact in relation to the specific date for 1st year Vaccinations. They will take place during the school day, and we usually try to book the HSE for a Friday. This allows for recovery over the weekend, if needed.
Open Night-this Wednesday-September 20th.
Our Open Night for incoming 1st year students (September 2024) takes place on Wednesday night (September 20th). Some prefects and other student reps are often asked to help out on the night with different activities. Thank you in advance to the students who agree to help out and who act as perfect ambassadors for the school that we are all so proud of.
Have a lovely weekend,
Kind regards,
David Quilter Lorraine Shiels