Good evening to all parents. We hope that you are all keeping well. Just some updates on our school community from last week and this week.
Open Night 2023
Our Open Night for incoming 1st year students (September 2023) took place on Wednesday night last(September 20th). Some prefects and other student representatives were asked to help out on the night, with different activities. We really pulled out all the stops for our prospective students and their parents. It was so lovely to see so many past pupils in attendance with their son’s, proud as punch that their boys would now be attending their alma mater!!
The turn out on the night was fantastic and we hope that visiting parents and students, picked up on the fabulous culture that we have here in SMC, and more importantly, the wonderful relationships that we have built up over the years with our boys. Some visiting parents spoke with our prefects and student council members on the night, and were so impressed with them and with what they had to say about their school.
We, in SMC, relish every opportunity to showcase, what we believe to be a wonderful school, with fabulous students and outstanding teachers, SNA’s and ancillary staff. Thank you to the students who agreed to help out on the night and thank you for being perfect ambassadors for the school that we are all so proud of.
A special mention to Ms. Liz O’ Donoghue, who coordinated all preperations for the open night. So much time, effort and planning is invested in preparing for this important event, and each year, Ms. O’ Donoghue ensures that the night is a resounding success. Thank you Ms. O’ Donoghue.
TY Ploughing/ Ecology Trip
On Thursday last our TY students travelled with their teachers to the National Ploughing Championships. Everyone had a great day.
The TY Ecology Trip (Ms. Ni Fhlatharta and Ms. McGeer’s classes) (to Dublin) will take place this Tuesday September 26th. Classes will be scheduled for students who will not be attending the Ecology trip.
TY Musical 2024 “Grease is the Word”!!!!!!
Preparations for this year’s TY musical are underway. This year the TY students from our school will team up with students from Ard Scoil Mhuire students, to perform “Grease is the Word”!!. This is one of the highlights of the SMC school year. The musical is due to take place in TUS Millenium Theatre on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of December. Tickets will be on sale in the school over the coming weeks. More details to follow.
Early finish on Thursday -September 28th
As we have organised an activity day for incoming first years (first year students starting in August 2024), to take place this Thursday September 28th, we will need to finish classes early, on that day. Classes will finish for all students at 10:45am. The early finish is necessary, given that all teaching staff will be involved in the activities for the day. We are expecting almost 200 visiting pupils from a variety of primary schools, so we will need all hands on deck!!
Thank you to Mr. Nelligan for his organisational skills in coordinating all preparations for this day. Not an esay task to please almost 200 twelve year olds, but Mr. Nelligan seems to have it down to a fine art!!!
School Closed on Friday-September 29th
The school will be closed on Friday next, September 29th as per the school Calendar.
Remaining Parent Information Nights
3rd Year Parent Information Night-Monday September 25th at 7pm School Assembly Hall
2nd Year Parent Information Night-Tuesday September 26th at 7pm School Assembly Hall
Have a lovely Weekend,
David Quilter Lorraine Shiels