Engineering Open Day for Students and Parents Saturday 13th Jan 10am–1pm at TUS Mylish Campus

Dear Parents/Guardians

Saturday 13th January 2024 is a very important date for our 5th Years and 6th Years and their parents to enter in their diaries.

TUS have their annual Engineering Open Day for parents and students. It is hoped that as many as possible of our 5th and 6th years and parents attend

It takes place at the Moylish campus. 10am  to 1pm.

On the the day you will meet TUS lecturers and TUS Engineering students from the various engineering discipilines and have the opportunity to attend  a variety of information talks on all the Engineering courses at TUS Midwest.

There will also be an opportunity to meet some of the biggest industry employers in the Midwest region to learn more about the wide range of careers that open up to graduates of TUS.

So for any students that may be interested in studying engineering but are unsure of which engineering course may be right for them—Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, Computer, Robotics, Electronic, Precision  or Renewable Energy — this is an important event to attend. And for parents it is a chance to ask questions of TUS lecturers and students. 

Prebooking is required and the booking portal is now open at

Best wishes 

John O’Neill

Guidance Counsellor