Study and Homework
The school provides facilities for a study period each day for two hours after school and also between 7.00 p.m. and 9.30 p.m. These periods are supervised, and there is a fee per term.
Why is study important?
The school believes that study is an exercise in self-discipline, which must be developed. It involves both written and oral work. It is essential that the students develop the habit of study. The actual time to be spent on homework and study should be about an hour and half for first-year students, and increasing for each year up to three hours or more for senior students.
But my son is working part time…
There is now an alarming growth in students having part-time jobs. The school wishes to advise parents/guardians that this militates against participation in the overall function of the school, and reduces the effectiveness of the student’s classroom involvement. We seek the parent’s/guardian’s co-operation in trying to solve this serious problem as we feel that, in the long run, it is detrimental to the student’s progress.