September is as many of you may be aware, Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and offers us all a chance to shine a spotlight on the difficulties faced by many children and families when a cancer diagnosis is received. As a parent, to even think about this, is so upsetting and devastating. In many countries, including Ireland, knowledge about childhood cancer is very low. As a result, children and young adults are often misdiagnosed or are only taken to see a doctor when their disease is very advanced and difficult to treat.
As mentioned, this issue is very close to our hearts as a school, in that some of our current students are suffering with a cancer diagnosis and too many of our very recent past pupils have also received devastating news in recent months. An e mail is never the place to go into detail in relation to specific cases, however, please take our word when we say that of late there are too many of our current and past pupils (along with their families) trying to cope with very challenging diagnosis’. When a child is unwell, and the phrase child, also refers to young adults who are 18-19 years old, a parent often has to give up their job to look after their child. This will undoubtedly add to the emotional stress already being experienced by the parent(s). As parents ourselves we can all empathise with how devastating it must be for parents to hear news that their child has cancer. It is frightening and worrying and none of us knows what the future holds, so if we can help one another, as a school family and a community, then, we will have achieved something.
SMC is known far and wide for our warmth and caring nature and most people who know us as a school know that we stay in contact with our past pupils and their families once the boys leave. In the last few months, we have received devastating news about some of our very recent past pupils and want to ensure that we are doing our best to help them and in addition contributing in a meaningful way to cancer care (Milford Hospice). Unfortunately, there are too many families who have been impacted by cancer and who have had the experience of the wonderful care that the Milford Hospice Palliative Care Community provides.
Now more than ever some of our own students and their families need our help. As a staff we will be undertaking our own fundraiser, however, many parents have contacted us to say that they would only love to be given the opportunity to help and support our boys, their families and Milford Hospice. Therefore, we will have a colours day, this Thursday, September 29th, for our students. The boys are only in until 11am this Thursday.
What we are asking is the following:
- every student donates €2, which will be collected by the tutors on Thursday morning at tutor time.
a variable payment option has also been set up on the school app for parents who may be in a position to, and/or who may wish to contribute more than €2. This is every parents own personal prerogative and please don’t feel that there is any pressure
we will also have teacher/students out on Thursday morning with buckets for any parents who may wish to donate any loose change
We fully appreciate that, at the moment, things are difficult for many families, with the rising cost of living, hence, the cap of €2. Some parents may be in a position to donate more, and if you can, of course we would be very grateful.
Any monies collected will be divided between the families of students in our school whose child has a cancer diagnosis and who need the help of us, their SMC family, and of course to the wonderful care team in Milford Hospice.
We thank you in advance for your help and support. We have witnessed recently, with the flood, the affinity and grá that our parents and students have for our school, with offers of help etc. over the weekend. We are now asking you to assist us in providing help to some members of our school community and their families.
From everyone in SMC