Good afternoon to all our parents. Just a reminder that school will finish early, at 2:20pm, this Thursday, October 5th, and on Tuesday, October 10th, to facilitate the 3rd and 6th year Parent Teacher meetings scheduled to take place on those days. Personal notifications have been sent to the relevant parents in relation to the centres that we will be using on the day, and list of teachers seated in each centre.
A copy of this years annual calendar (2023-24) has been attached to this notification.
Activities day last Thursday
Thank you, to you, as parents, for your understanding in relation to the early finish for students last Thursday. We had a number of prospective first year students attend for the activities day. We needed all “hands on deck” , as we had a full day, of both indoor and outdoor activities. While currently we are not experiencing any decline in first choice numbers for our school, and thankfully, we fill our places on first choices, we cannot and will not become complacent in that regard. There are so many secondary schools in Limerick available to 6th class students, so, we need to ensure that we are working hard to attract our quota of incoming first years. Less students equates to less teachers, so this is something that we will try to avoid at all costs. Thank you for your understanding in relation to the above. It is genuinely much appreciated.
6th Years Careers day
6th year students will attend the Mid West Careers Fair in UL tomorrow (Tuesday 3rd October) . They are free to leave school at 12:25pm and make their own way to UL Sports Arena. Higher Education Institutions, UCAS, PLC Colleges and other statutory bodies as well as voluntary organisations will be present, as well as representatives from local industry. This is an excellent way for students from the Mid West to engage with exhibitors.
Have a lovely evening,
David Quilter Lorraine Shiels