Happy Mother’s Day to our lovely SMC Mothers and Grandmothers . We hope that you all have a nice relaxing day today.
We will , sadly, keep close to our hearts and thoughts, any mothers or grandmothers who may have passed away. This is a wonderful day of celebration for moms and nanas who play such an important role in a young person’s upbringing. It can also be a lonesome day for some, when they have lost their mom or a special grandmother. All we can do today, is to give thanks to those wonderful women in all our lives, who have put our needs and emotions before their own, on so many occasions throughout our lives.
As teachers in SMC, and people who work with teenagers every day, we are fortunate enough to witness and experience all the hard work, love, kindness and care that you invest in your children and grandchildren daily. Never underestimate all the hugs, private chats, love, support , patience and encouragement that you give to your boys. Rest assured , we can see it and feel it everyday, in our dealings with your wonderful sons and grandsons. The respect that the boys have for their moms and nanas, is, heartwarming. We hope that you all have a lovely weekend and enjoy your special day today !!
Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers! Thanks for making the world a better place because of your unconditional love!
From Lorraine, David and all in SMC
https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/happy-mothers-day-pink-roses-background-vintage-style-distressed-wood-table-52857478.jpg?ct=jpeg” alt=”happy-mothers-day-pink-roses-background-vintage-style-distressed-wood-table-52857478.jpg?ct=jpeg” />