Dear all our SMC community,
This is a brief update from our Green Schools Committee.
As some of you may be aware we currently have 5 green flags for the following themes, Litter and Waste, Energy, Water, Travel and Biodiversity. This year we will be working on the theme of Global Citizenship in the area of Litter and Waste. We have 2 school years to act on this and we have loads of ideas that we will keep you posted about as the year continues!
We have loads going on in our part in helping the climate crisis. Every Wednesday for the next six weeks we have a mentor from Education for Sustainability working with our TYs, teaching the, about climate change and sustainability. The TYs will be equipment to deliver these workshops as a result. We hope that we can roll these out to our junior school in the New Year!
For the month of October we will be working with Clean Air Together. This company will supply us with a nitrogen dioxide monitor outside the front of our school building. Nitrogen dioxide is the main gas that comes from the exhaust fumes of our cars. It is a pollutant gas that can damage our health and wellbeing along with contributing to the climate crisis!
We encourage you to PLEASE encourage your son to walk or cycle to school where possible, even if it is just to trial it for October. There are sheltered bike racks outside the building for your sons bike.
If you are parked outside the school building please turn off your engine while you wait.
If our figures for Nitrogen dioxide are low for such a busy area we could be in line to receive grants to help further resolve issues arising.
We will keep you all posted on all of the above.
Thanking you all for your help and support as always,
SMC Green Schools