St. Munchin’s College Golf Classic
Friday 19th May, 2023
Main Sponsor: Corbally Nursing Home (Richard Ryan)
Dear Parents of St. Munchin’s,
On behalf of College, we would like to express our thanks once again to all who supported our Golf Classic so generously last year. The financial support which you have given to us provides much needed additional funding for the College Sports Fund so that it can continue to promote the participation of the college’s teams in many different sporting activities including rugby, hurling, Gaelic football, athletics, basketball and many more.
This year the classic will take place at Castletroy Golf Club on Friday 19th of May 2023.
Tee times are: 11:00a.m. – 12:00noon
1p.m. – 4:30 p.m. (times before 11am on request)
The format is :- team of 4, with 2 scores to count at each hole.
The cost is €300 per team of four which includes a meal after your round of golf. In the event that you or your company are not able to participate in playing on the day, we would ask that you would please consider sponsoring a Tee or Green for €100.
Please transfer your sponsorship along with your name into the following account please:
Name of Account: St Munchins College Past Pupils Savings Account
IBAN: IE69 BOFI 9043 0952 4287 11
Tee times can be booked by contacting Flan O’Friel on 087-8546692 or flanofriel@gmail.com
Tee Boxes can be booked by contacting David Quilter 086-3919865
We would greatly appreciate your support.
David Quilter Flan O’Friel
Principal Chairman Golf Classic