Formative Assessment Report for 1st, 2nd , 5th & LCA 1& 2 Students
On October 28th , we will issue what is referred to as Formative Assessment reports to all 1st, 2nd, 5th, LCA 1 & 2 parents. The report will be issued through our online administration system, VS ware. All parents will receive an app notification from the school notifying them that the reports have been issued and are thereby live on VS ware to view and print. The report issued is a Comment Only Report and will not include any grades or percentages. This report is one of the initiatives in our Assessment for Learning programme.
How is this Report Different to Others?
This report has no numeric result and no grade. It has the level at which your child is sitting the subject, and a teacher AfL(Assessment for Learning) comment for each subject. In addition, the report will include the level of effort your child is applying in that particular subject.
Why is there no Result or Grade?
In AfL (Assessment for Learning) the focus is on providing the student with feedback on their learning. This feedback should help to inform, guide and shape future learning experiences. Effective formative feedback is given without results, as research has shown that students who were presented with grades and comments felt that the grade cancelled out the beneficial effects of the comments. The comments in this report are intended to help and guide the student in relation to the direction they need to move in, to improve their learning and ultimately their results. Teachers have based their comments on various AfL assessment techniques which have been carried out in their classrooms since our return in August/September. The comments provided by your son’s teacher will help to guide and support him, in the areas that he may need to improve on between now and the Christmas tests. A more detailed explanatory letter has been attached to this e mail, to further describe Assessment for Learning (AFL) as an assessment strategy.
Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind regards,
Lorraine Shiels