Category: Uncategorised

School App

Good afternoon All, This is just a gentle reminder all students must download the new St Munchins College App by next Monday (12th Sept) morning Without the new App, students will not be able to sign...

Weekly Update 9th September

Dear Parents/ Guardians, Welcome to our “Weekly Updates”  email !!!!  We hope that you all had a great break over the summer holidays!!!!!! Getting books, uniforms, gear, locker keys and...

Welcome to our 1st Year Students

A message of welcome to our incoming first years who will wear our tie for the first time tomorrow morning This is your school You can become who you want to be here Thirty three acres of...

Annual SMC Golf Classic

Every year, the ever youthful Flann O' Friel puts out the call to the Munchin's old boys to rally to the SMC Golf Classic It is not just a great opportunity to meet up with old friends but also...

Ukrainian Children’s Appeal

From the Principal Here in St Munchin's College, over the last term, it has been impossible not to notice the shocking scenes and reports of the Ukrainian war and the evolving humanitarian crisis...

Pioneer Roy Galvin returns to St Munchin’s

It is not everyday that a pioneer comes to College, but that was the pleasure we had on 19 May 2022 as Roy Galvin, who graduated in 1974, returned to his Alma Mater after too many decades' absence...

1st Year Parent Updates Vaccinations & Summer Exams

Dear Parents/ Guardians of our 1st year students We hope that you are all keeping well First Year Summer Exams  The timetable is also published on our website on the homepage on the quicklinks...

6th Year Graduation Schedule

Good evening to our 6th year parents We hope that you are all keeping well A number of you have been e mailing in relation to our Graduation so this e mail details the arrangements that we have put...